
Tabard of lordaeron
Tabard of lordaeron


Many others fled with Jaina Proudmoore to Kalimdor.Īrthas briefly assumed the title of King, and ruled as an agent of the Scourge, before the eruption of a civil war between his forces, the remaining dreadlords, and the free undead led by Sylvanas Windrunner. Thus, in an ironic twist of fate, it was Lordaeron that lay in ruins, with refugees streaming to Khaz Modan and Azeroth. Arthas' captains Falric and Marwyn alone were responsible for the slaughter of the aristocracy.

tabard of lordaeron

Finally, with the corruption of the heir to the throne of Lordaeron, Prince Arthas Menethil, the capital city itself succumbed.

tabard of lordaeron

As it spread throughout the towns and cities of Lordaeron, one after another fell to the Scourge, most notably Andorhal and Stratholme. Though Lordaeron attempted to retain its central role, several nations pulled their support from the Alliance.įollowing years of debate over the internment of the orcs, a plague appeared in the north of Lordaeron. The main issue of dispute was a tax levied by King Terenas to finance the internment of the orcs. Lothar fell in the assault on Blackrock Spire, and with the loss of his political skill, rifts developed between the Alliance nations. Under the leadership of King Terenas Menethil II and Lord Lothar, the Alliance was victorious, pushing the Horde back to the Dark Portal, and destroying the gateway to the orcs' homeworld. There, Lothar convinced the leaders of the human nations, as well as the dwarves of Ironforge, gnomes of Gnomeregan, and high elves of Quel'Thalas, to join forces in the Alliance of Lordaeron. The refugees from Azeroth, led by Lord Anduin Lothar, fled across the sea to Lordaeron. The capital city served as a spiritual destination for the citizens of the seven human kingdoms.įollowing the opening of the Dark Portal, the nations of Azeroth and Khaz Modan were conquered by the Horde. Lordaeron was settled by the disenfranchised lords of Strom, capital of the nation of Arathor, who were part of a group that left Strom because they were desirous of the verdant lands to the north. Lordaeron's territories are presently contested between the Forsaken, the Alliance, the Argent Crusade, the Scarlet Crusade, and the remnants of the Scourge. Unfortunately, the nation would be almost entirely consumed by the Undead Scourge during the Third War, which occurred fourteen years later. The Kingdom of Lordaeron spearheaded the Alliance forces during the campaign against the Orcish Horde during the war. Ruled by the House of Menethil, the kingdom took part in the birth of the Alliance of Lordaeron shortly before the start of the Second War. Originally an Arathorian city-state, it was an empire by the time of its fall during the Third War. Lordaeron was a human kingdom primarily located along the northern territories of the homonymous continent. Lordaeronian are an ethnic group of humans that live/lived in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The armies of Lordaeron are deeply religious and are driven by the belief that humanity must stand steadfast against the blasphemous onslaught of the Horde." -Introduction

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As patron of the Alliance, King Terenas II has assumed the heavy mantle of leadership to protect all who abide in his domain. The armies of Lordaeron were the first to heed the call to arms issued by Sir Lothar and the people of Azeroth. " Ruled by the benevolent King Terenas II, the nation of Lordaeron stands as the last bastion of hope for humanity.

Tabard of lordaeron